Forbes: 4 Savvy Sales Strategies To Try For Success In 2021
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced sales leaders to completely rethink how they operate, in an attempt to overcome new challenges in strategic, thoughtful ways. No longer able to direct teams to make in-person connections, sales reps have had to completely change the way they make connections with clients and prospects alike.
For sales leaders determining how to do this in the coming year, these four suggestions can guide your decisions and inspire a forward-thinking approach.
Find the full article here.
Power (2020) “4 savvy sales strategies to try for success in 2021”. Forbes (07/02/2021)
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Selling in Uncertain Times
How is market uncertainty impacting you or your sales team? Are sales cycles getting longer? Are deals which seemed an almost certainty being delayed or put on hold indefinitely? Here we detail the steps salespeople and managers can take to sell successfully in uncertain times.
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