Be your true self. It sounds like it should be simple, but when it comes to leadership it can be complex. To successfully inspire and motivate leaders must be authentic.

Try the following Tack TMI tips to become a more authentic leader.

  1. Have clear purpose. Ask yourself ‘What is my leadership purpose?’ To answer, explore your drivers, strengths, values and passions.
  2. Know yourself. Encourage feedback, complete 360 exercises, personality profiles, EI Assessments.
  3. Define your values. Write 10 things that are important to you. Rank and articulate their significance.
  4. Show passion. Communicate with employees; be curious, show interest, ask questions, learn details.
  5. Listen powerfully. Don’t interrupt, fully embrace the thinking & viewpoint of others.

Related solutions

Authentic Leadership

Tack TMI’s Authentic Leadership course encourages leaders to unlock potential and recognise individuals’ needs, goals and personality traits while retaining the natural style of the leader. This approach enables individuals to collaborate freely and learn from their experiences without judgement, while providing openness and transparency around leaders’ own successes and failures – the key to building a stronger, happier, more successful team.

Contact a member of our team today for more information on our Authentic Leadership course, or find out more here: Authentic Leadership

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